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Press Releases

  • (Chelmsford, MA – September 4, 2024) Today, TIMS Medical releases TIMS MVP 5.1, an innovative new upgrade to its flagship product developed to provide medical imaging solutions including recording, editing, archiving, and connectivity. TIMS MVP 5.1 is compatible with any fluoroscopic or endoscopic equipment, providing the capability to record high resolution video with synced audio, analyze the information utilizing advanced toolsets, create template-based custom reports, collaborate with colleagues in real-time, and archive to enterprise imaging.

    Thousands of healthcare professionals worldwide utilize TIMS MVP on a daily basis. The software is used for a variety of diagnostic purposes including surgical imaging, laryngoscopy, upper endoscopy, colonoscopy, the modified barium swallow study (MBSS), and flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES), among other diagnostic procedures. Additionally, TIMS Medical systems are used to support PACS and EMR connectivity for all endoscopic and fluoroscopic procedures.

    TIMS MVP 5.1 now includes advanced study comparison features, updates to customized reporting and notes, full-screen mode to enhance endoscopic procedures, label set auto-complete, DICOM receive enhancements, increased speed of data transfer, and more.

    TIMS Compare

    Improvements to the TIMS Compare feature include the ability to compare and play two video clips from different studies or the same study, side-by-side. This feature includes synced frame-by-frame analysis and playback. Users can efficiently assess progress and prognosis using TIMS Compare and can add snapshots of the side-by-side images to their reports.

    Updates to Customized Reporting and Notes

    Enhancements to customized reporting and notes include improvements for better display of titles and list selection, as well as the ability to turn table borders on or off.

    Paste Timing and Measurement Data

    Improve efficiency with the copy and paste of timing and measurement data to TIMS Notes, reports, and external Windows programs.

    TIMS Send

    Increase the speed of data transfer and workflow with 2-10x faster speeds than the standard DICOM process. TIMS MVP 5.1 provides the ability to send studies in the background from the TIMS system in the procedure suite to the TIMS Review station for further review and reporting.

    Notes Window Extender

    To provide users with a better viewing experience, a toggle control has been added to increase the size of the Notes tab by more than 50%.

    Full Screen Mode for Live

    To improve visibility during live acquisition, especially for HD endoscopy and FEES studies, the display can now be increased to “full screen mode” with a simple keyboard or menu toggle.

    Camera Adjustments Flip/Mirror

    Video adjustments can now be made for supported endoscopes including contrast, brightness, black level, mirror, and other supported settings which are scope-specific. Additionally, the image can now be flipped to support the endoscopist’s grip preference for scope handling. All settings can be saved for future studies.

    Label Set Auto-Complete in Measurement Labels

    Auto-complete, type-matching and selection from a stored label list is extended to measurement labeling to improve efficiency. 

    ORL Support

    TIMS MVP 5.1 offers support for numerous flexible and rigid endoscopes, with the most recent addition including the pediatric ORL flexible endoscope.

    DICOM Receive Enhancements

    TIMS MVP 5.1 improves speed of DICOM receive from multi-file large endoscopy studies.


    TIMS MVP 5.1 is available now. Demonstrations and trainings are being provided now via online meeting. Contact us at info@tims.com or 978-458-4624 to schedule an online demo for your clinical team.

    TIMS MVP Customers with current Support & Maintenance contracts as of the date of release are eligible for a free upgrade to TIMS MVP 5.1.

    About TIMS Medical & Foresight Imaging

    TIMS Medical is a division of Foresight Imaging LLC focused on finished medical devices for the recording, editing, archiving, reporting, and real-time collaboration on medical imaging studies. Applications include modified barium swallow studies, FEES, endoscopy, interventional radiology, surgery, DICOM/PACS/VNA/EMR connectivity, and much more. Over 6000 systems are installed in hospitals, imaging centers, and medical schools worldwide. For further information, visit www.tims.com or email info@tims.com.

    Foresight Imaging LLC is a world leader in the design of high accuracy, high performance video streamers, frame grabbers, & medical imaging hardware and software. Foresight Imaging video acquisition boards are the imaging engines of many finished medical devices and military imaging systems in use throughout the world. The company is certified to the ISO 13485 quality standard.

    Foresight Imaging, TIMS Connect, TIMS Medical, TIMS MVP, TIMS Review, TIMS DICOM, and TIMS Medical Video Platform are registered trademarks of Foresight Imaging, LLC. PatientView, Auto-SYNC, IDEA, AccuStream, AccuStream Express, and the PACS Connectivity Solution are trademarks of Foresight Imaging, LLC. All other products and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. All specifications are subject to change.

    Press Contacts

    Brooke Beilman, Marketing Communications Manager

    1 Executive Dr., Suite 202, Chelmsford, MA 01824

    T: 978-458-4624 x287, Email: bbeilman@tims.com

  • (Chelmsford, MA – August 8, 2023) Today, TIMS Medical releases TIMS MVP 5.0, a major new upgrade to its flagship product for recording, editing, and archiving MBS, FEES, & endoscopy studies in high resolution video with synced audio. TIMS MVP 5.0 now adds template-based reporting, integrated notes & QuickPhrases, PatientView, importing of media files, enhanced triggering modes for endoscopy, automatic swallow detection, enhancements to the measurement toolset, and several other productivity improvements. Thousands of SLPs and endoscopy clinicians rely on TIMS MVP daily for reviewing, editing, and archiving of these imaging studies.

    TIMS Medical systems are widely used for imaging and diagnostics of dysphagia related studies such as Modified Barium Swallow (MBS) and Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES). Further, TIMS Medical systems are frequently used to support PACS and EMR connectivity for endoscopy (ENT, GI, & surgical imaging).

    Customized Reporting, Templates, QuickPhrases

    One of the most requested new features has been customized reporting and template building. Version 5.0 takes this to a new level with a flexible and customized report building platform built right into TIMS. Multiple templates can be created to fit each clinician’s needs. Since TIMS has complete access to all images in the study, key images can be automatically added. Any notes taken during the review or recording process and any Scoring information (introduced in version 4.5) are automatically entered into the report via the template. Multiple customized QuickPhrases can be defined to setup commonly used paragraphs, phrases, bulleted lists, and much more. Via a type-matching menu, QuickPhrases are added into individual reports and then can be modified as desired, saving minutes in the reporting process. For endoscopy, an integrated diagram tool (patent-pending) is included to specify the internal location of the image. With all of this automation, the report is nearly completed once the review and analysis process is done, saving significant time in the clinical review process. The reports can be sent to PACS, VNA, and EMR along with the video study or saved as a PDF for use elsewhere.


    TIMS MVP 5.0 now provides a notes floating window to save SLPs significant time in the note-taking and reporting process. During the review process, or even while recording, SLPs can input notes on an overall study basis, or series-by-series as the notes window seamlessly auto-advances when you navigate between series during review. SLPs have an unobstructed view of the series video and all editing and review controls while utilizing the TIMS notes feature.


    TIMS MVP 5.0 adds the capability to record a USB camera view as part of the study as an inset of the modality video. This camera view provides a recording of the in-room experience to see patient reactions, view scope technique, and provide training. The size of the inset view can be customized and placed in any corner of the modality video. It can be turned on and off for each series recording. Further, it can be used to record simultaneous MBS and FEES video if using a USB FEES scope (i.e. from ATMOS, PatCom, Optim, JEDMED, or any others). PatientView is included free for one year with v5.0 and is available as a renewable yearly license thereafter.

    Import Media Files

    Import JPG or MP4 files to any study. The images and videos are then available for review, analysis, and editing like any other recorded images and videos. Useful for importing other legacy MBS, FEES, or endoscopy studies, or for pathology or dermatology.

    Automatic Swallow Detection

    TIMS MVP 5.0 can now automatically detect swallow events and set a bookmark/flag in the timeline. Important in FEES for setting flags to quickly advance to each swallow during review and analysis.

    Measurement Tools Enhancements

    Precise calibration with a “find widest width” of an object (i.e. a penny) to better calibrate measurements. Easily extend any freehand telestration with Control-Shift-mouse drag. Makes for better freehand tracing of an object (i.e. bolus) for measurement and emphasis.

    “Our customers have been asking for reporting from us to help streamline workflows. Our engineering team worked with these customers during the beta process to build the report during the review and analysis of the study so that all key images, notes, and scorecards get automatically added to the report. The result is a powerful template-based reporting interface with integrated notes and QuickPhrases that saves our clinicians major time in completing reports and delivering this important clinical information to enterprise imaging and the EMR,” said Tim Lauzon, Product Marketing Director.


    TIMS MVP 5.0 is available now. Demonstrations and trainings are being provided now via online meeting. Contact us at info@tims.com or 978-458-4624 to schedule an online demo for your clinical team.

    TIMS MVP Customers with current Support & Maintenance contracts as of the date of release are eligible for a free upgrade to TIMS MVP 5.0.

    About TIMS Medical & Foresight Imaging

    TIMS Medical is a division of Foresight Imaging LLC focused on finished medical devices for the recording, editing, archiving, reporting, and real-time collaboration on medical imaging studies. Applications include modified barium swallow studies, FEES, endoscopy, interventional radiology, surgery, DICOM/PACS/VNA/EMR connectivity, and much more. Over 6000 systems are installed in hospitals, imaging centers, and medical schools worldwide. For further information, visit www.tims.com or email info@tims.com.

    Foresight Imaging LLC is a world leader in the design of high accuracy, high performance video streamers, frame grabbers, & medical imaging hardware and software. Foresight Imaging video acquisition boards are the imaging engines of many finished medical devices and military imaging systems in use throughout the world. The company is certified to the ISO 13485 quality standard.

    Foresight Imaging, TIMS Connect, TIMS Medical, TIMS MVP, TIMS Review, TIMS DICOM, and TIMS Medical Video Platform are registered trademarks of Foresight Imaging, LLC. PatientView, Auto-SYNC, IDEA, AccuStream, AccuStream Express, and the PACS Connectivity Solution are trademarks of Foresight Imaging, LLC. All other products and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. All specifications are subject to change.

    Press Contacts

    Brooke Beilman, Marketing Communications Manager

    1 Executive Dr., Suite 202, Chelmsford, MA 01824

    T: 978-458-4624 x287, Email: bbeilman@tims.com

  • (New Orleans, LA & Chelmsford, MA – November 16, 2022) – Today, while exhibiting for the 15th consecutive year at the annual convention of The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA.org), TIMS Medical® announces the introduction of TIMS MVP 4.6, the latest iteration of its flagship product for recording, reviewing, editing, and archiving MBS & FEES studies in high resolution video with synced audio. TIMS MVP 4.6 now adds QuickNotes, customized reporting, side-by-side study comparison, and an enhanced editing model to its already extensive productivity suite of tools that thousands of SLPs rely on daily for reviewing, editing, and diagnosing these imaging studies.

    TIMS Medical systems are widely used for imaging and diagnostics of dysphagia related studies such as Modified Barium Swallow (MBS) and Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES). Further, TIMS Medical systems are frequently used to support imaging for endoscopy (ENT & GI), interventional radiology, ultrasound, surgery, and DICOM/PACS/VNA connectivity.


    TIMS MVP 4.6 now provides a QuickNotes floating window to save SLPs significant time in the note-taking and reporting process. During the review process, or even while recording, SLPs can input notes on an overall study basis, or series-by-series as the QuickNotes window seamlessly auto-advances when you navigate between series during review. SLPs have an unobstructed view of the series video and all editing and review controls while utilizing the TIMS QuickNotes feature.

    Customized Reporting, Templates, QuickPhrases

    One of the most requested new features has been customized reporting and template building. Version 4.6 takes this to a new level with a flexible and customized report building platform built right into TIMS. Multiple templates can be created to fit each SLPs needs. Since TIMS has complete access to all images in the study, key images can be automatically added per a given template, or manually added during the review process. Any QuickNotes taken during the review or recording process and any Scoring information (introduced in version 4.5) are automatically entered into the report via the template. Multiple customized QuickPhrases can be defined in the intuitive configuration tools to setup commonly used paragraphs, phrases, bulleted lists, and much more. Via a type-matching menu, QuickPhrases are then added into individual reports and then can be edited as desired, saving minutes in the reporting process. Once completed, the reports can be sent to PACS, VNA, and EMR along with the video study.

    Side-by-Side Study Comparison

    Another common feature request from TIMS users is the ability to compare two studies side-by-side. For example, compare today’s MBS study with one from 3 months ago, or play simultaneously a FEES and MBS study. Simply click on the Compare tab in TIMS, and a menu of available studies for that same patient are displayed in a list for selection to compare and review simultaneously.

    Enhanced Study Editing & Review

    TIMS MVP 4.6 adds the ability to easily create compound clips from multiple series and create subclips from longer videos. These features allow users to create a longer series from multiple shorter clips, a common need with MBS studies. It also allows shorter subclips from series of several minutes (or even hours if a surgical study) to select just the important sections of the series to review or archive. All of this can be done while preserving the original video, and only archiving the desired content. Further, a new saturation video enhancement tool has been added for color video studies including FEES and endoscopic surgical video.

    “We are constantly talking with our speech pathology customers about new productivity enhancing features for TIMS MVP. Consistently, they have been asking us for reporting capabilities and side-by-side study comparison. Our engineering team worked diligently over the last several months to create an intuitive, simple, and powerful reporting methodology which allows for customizable templates, our new QuickNotes interface, and QuickPhrases. The result is a powerful and streamlined reporting process that saves time and delivers more clinical information for care givers in enterprise imaging and the EMR,” said Tim Lauzon, Product Marketing Manager.

    About TIMS Medical & Foresight Imaging

    TIMS Medical is a division of Foresight Imaging LLC focused on finished medical devices for the recording, editing, archiving, reporting, and real-time collaboration on medical imaging studies. Applications include modified barium swallow studies, FEES, endoscopy, interventional radiology, surgery, DICOM/PACS/VNA/EMR connectivity, and much more. Over 6000 systems are installed in hospitals, imaging centers, and medical schools worldwide. For further information, visit www.tims.com or email info@tims.com.

    Foresight Imaging LLC is a world leader in the design of high accuracy, high performance video streamers, frame grabbers, & medical imaging hardware and software. Foresight Imaging video acquisition boards are the imaging engines of many finished medical devices and military imaging systems in use throughout the world. The company is certified to the ISO 13485 quality standard.

    Foresight Imaging, TIMS Connect, TIMS Medical, TIMS MVP, TIMS Review, TIMS DICOM, and TIMS Medical Video Platform are registered trademarks of Foresight Imaging, LLC. PatientView, Auto-SYNC, IDEA, AccuStream, AccuStream Express, and the PACS Connectivity Solution are trademarks of Foresight Imaging, LLC. All other products and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. All specifications are subject to change.

    Press Contacts

    Brooke Beilman, Marketing Communications Manager

    1 Executive Dr., Suite 202, Chelmsford, MA 01824

    T: 978-458-4624 x287, Email: bbeilman@tims.com

  • (Chelmsford, MA – May 18, 2022) – As today is National Speech Pathologist Day (#NationalSpeechPathologistDay), and May is national Better Hearing and Speech Month (#BHSM), TIMS Medical is using this year’s observances to encourage Americans to seek an evaluation for a communication or swallowing disorder if they have concerns about themselves, a child, or another loved one. These disorders are common in children as well as in adults—yet many don’t know that they are treatable by Speech-Language Pathologists.

    “Having supported thousands of SLPs across the U.S. since 2005, we’ve seen that Speech-Language Pathologists work with people every day in settings that include schools, private practices, healthcare facilities, and even patients’ own homes to improve their speech, language, social, and cognitive skills,” said Mark Mariotti, President and CEO at TIMS Medical. “A person’s communication skills are critical at each stage of life—for young children, as a strong foundation for language and literacy; for school-aged children, as a requirement for academic and social success; and for adults, as a key part of their career and personal relationships.”

    Mariotti continued: “Even less well known is the role that speech-language pathologists play in helping people to swallow and eat safely. Again, problems in these areas can occur across the age span, but at any stage, safe swallowing and eating are essential to a person’s health and quality of life.”

    Communication and swallowing disorders may occur for a variety of reasons. In children, this may be due to low birth weight, congenital syndromes, developmental disorders, and injuries or illnesses. In adults, they are common in those who have had a stroke, brain injury, head and neck cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. Although the specific challenges that people experience can vary significantly, one commonality is that most people can improve with the help of Speech-Language Pathologists.

    Here are some specific areas where Speech-Language Pathologists work with students, patients, and clients:

    Speech—People with speech problems may not say sounds clearly or smoothly. This may make it difficult for others to understand them.

    Language—A person with a language disorder may have problems with expressing themselves, understanding others, and reading and/or writing.

    Cognition—This can involve difficulties with attention, memory, problem-solving abilities, organizational skills, and judgment.

    Voice—Hoarseness, breathiness, pain, frequent coughing, and other problems with a person’s voice may result from medical problems or from overuse or misuse (certain professions—like teachers, musicians, and coaches—are at greater risk).

    Augmentative and Alternative Communication—People may need or choose to use other ways to communicate besides talking. These include no- or low-tech and high-tech options such as pointing or gesturing, using picture boards, and using speech-generating devices.

    Feeding and Swallowing—Difficulties may include coughing or gagging during meals, food or liquid leaking from the mouth, or food getting stuck in the mouth or throat. These difficulties may occur due to preterm birth, developmental disabilities, medical conditions, and illness and injury.

    Gender-Affirming Voice and Communication—This area may focus on pitch, tone, vocal health, nonverbal communication, and more.

    Communication Coaching—Some SLPs help with public speaking and communication style, which may include learning another accent.

    “As a Corporate Sponsor of The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, TIMS Medical is aligned with ASHA in educating and supporting its 223,000 members and affiliates, as well as joining them each year in promoting Better Hearing and Speech Month,” said Mariotti.

    More information about speech, language, and swallowing disorders is available at https://www.asha.org/public.

    About TIMS Medical

    TIMS Medical is a division of Foresight Imaging LLC focused on finished medical devices for the recording, editing, archiving, and real-time collaboration on medical imaging studies. Applications include FEES and modified barium swallow studies for swallowing disorder evaluations, endoscopy, interventional radiology, ultrasound, surgery, DICOM & PACS/VNA connectivity, and much more. Over 5,000 systems are installed in hospitals, imaging centers, and medical schools worldwide. For further information, visit www.tims.com or email info@tims.com

    Press Contacts

    Brooke Beilman, Marketing Communications Manager

    1 Executive Dr., Suite 202, Chelmsford, MA 01824

    T: 978-458-4624 x287, Email: bbeilman@tims.com

  • (Chelmsford, MA – April 18, 2022) – TIMS Medical announces the shipment of TIMS MVP 4.5, the newest version of its flagship product for recording, editing, reviewing, and archiving medical imaging studies in high resolution video with synced audio, and its inclusion of advanced measurement tools and integration with the DIGEST protocol for dysphagia measurement and scoring.

    About DIGEST:

    In 2016 a group of researchers (spearheaded by Katherine A. Hutcheson, PhD of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX) developed and validated Dynamic Imaging Grade of Swallowing Toxicity (DIGEST), a method to measure and grade the severity of pharyngeal swallowing dysfunction to leverage findings from imaging studies.

    The method was developed by an international brain trust of 16 co-authors also including researchers from The Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, University of Florida, Stanford University, Newcastle University, and the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust; in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute (US).

    Having observed the significant incidence of dysphagia among patients with head and neck cancers, the researchers looked at 100 randomly selected Modified Barium Swallow (MBS) studies conducted over an 8-year period in order to gather data to support and define DIGEST rating of pharyngeal swallowing function.

    Their 2017 paper (published in Cancer: https://acsjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cncr.30283) detailed the imperative for a robust yet streamlined measurement of MBS studies, the most common instrumental procedure for diagnosing swallowing disorders.

    DIGEST training is recommended and available at: https://mdanderson.cloud-cme.com/digest

    About TIMS MVP 4.5

    TIMS MVP 4.5 adds new capabilities for scoring, measurement, and live streaming video to the list of sophisticated tools that thousands of radiologists and speech-language pathologists (SLPs) rely on daily for reviewing, editing, and diagnosing imaging studies of patients with speech and swallowing difficulties.

    With TIMS MVP 4.5’s newly refined measurement tools, clinicians can now quickly calculate valuable metrics such as area, distance and velocity. Practical examples include estimating percent residue, hyoid excursion and superior/anterior displacement, bolus velocity, and the timing of swallowing events. Measurements and accompanying telestrations can be labeled and a single-frame snapshot created to include with the study as it is archived to PACS or VNA. These new measurement capabilities with MBS studies aid clinicians in rating patients’ swallowing function using standardized scoring protocols.

    “We have developed a solution to streamline the workflow for reviewing, measurement, and scoring of swallowing studies with the DIGEST method, while remaining completely within the TIMS MVP environment,” said Tim Lauzon, Product Marketing Manager at TIMS Medical. “By fully integrating the method into TIMS, SLPs benefit through a new capability to conduct, review, and input grading values within a singular user interface, which in turn results in a huge time savings on a per study basis. Furthermore, we anticipate this integration will lead to increased utilization of scoring standards in both clinical care and research,” said Lauzon.

    About TIMS Medical

    TIMS Medical is a division of Foresight Imaging LLC focused on finished medical devices for the recording, editing, archiving, and real-time collaboration on medical imaging studies. Applications include FEES and modified barium swallow studies for swallowing disorder evaluations, endoscopy, interventional radiology, ultrasound, surgery, DICOM & PACS/VNA connectivity, and much more. Over 5,000 systems are installed in hospitals, imaging centers, and medical schools worldwide. For further information, visit www.tims.com or email info@tims.com

    Press Contacts

    Brooke Beilman, Marketing Communications Manager

    1 Executive Dr., Suite 202, Chelmsford, MA 01824

    T: 978-458-4624 x287, Email: bbeilman@tims.com

  • (Chelmsford, MA – April 05, 2022) – TIMS Medical announces the release of TIMS Connect, its new live-streaming software module for remote, real-time collaboration on any medical procedure. TIMS Connect streams the live modality video (fluoroscopy, endoscopy, surgical video, ultrasound, interventional radiology, etc.) so that colleagues can join from virtually any hospital computer as the study is performed. TIMS Connect is an add-on software module for its flagship TIMS MVP system which has over 5000 systems installed for the recording, editing, and archiving to PACS/VNA of Modified Barium Swallow studies (MBS), Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing studies (FEES), general endoscopy, and surgical procedures. Included are two-way webcam video, audio conferencing, and remote control of the TIMS system for recording, editing, review, and live graphic telestration. TIMS Connect utilizes the existing hospital network and does not require specialized or expensive servers or new network infrastructure. Applications include training of students, resident & fellow supervision, expert consultation, and live remote guidance of the procedure.

    TIMS Connect was enthusiastically received at both the ASHA and RSNA conferences in late 2021. TIMS Connect is included free with every new TIMS system for one year, and is available to all TIMS MVP 4.2 customers with a current support and maintenance contract. After the free trial period, TIMS Connect is available for a $995 yearly subscription.

    TIMS Connect Applications: Collaborate & Educate

    Speech-Language PathologyTransmit live MBS studies for consultation with a remote radiologist. Stream live fluoroscopy or FEES video for an expert opinion from another Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP).

    EndoscopyStream endoscopic procedures to remote meeting rooms and offices to help train residents & fellows in gastroenterology and ENT procedures.

    SurgeryWith TIMS Connect, surgeons conducting image-guided and non-invasive robotic surgeries, can easily connect and collaborate with experts beyond the OR on difficult or unusual cases.

    Medical Education and TrainingDeploy the “See One, Do One, Teach One” concept in medical schools and teaching hospitals to help accelerate the rate of learning by exposing students to more live surgeries and diagnostic imaging procedures than was before possible.

    “Having used their systems for years, TIMS Medical has proven itself as an indispensable partner to support our speech-related clinical, research, and educational activities,” said Kendrea L. Garand, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, Swallowing Disorders Initiative Research Laboratory Founder & Director, and Assistant Professor of Speech Pathology at the University of South Alabama. An early user of TIMS Connect, Dr. Garand added: “Beyond benefits we’ve seen in using TIMS Medical systems for diagnostic and research procedures, the new TIMS Connect is especially valuable to us as a teaching facility, as it enables our students and students from other programs, such as radiological sciences, to remotely watch and participate in clinical exams without having to be physically present in the procedure suite – a welcome capability given recent restrictions on in-person learning associated with COVID-19 social distancing protocols. These interprofessional opportunities at the training level are invaluable for promoting best practices to optimize patient outcomes upon graduation.”

    Tony Molinari, VP Sales & Marketing for TIMS Medical, commented, “Dr. Garand and her team worked with us during the beta process to provide feedback with their use cases. Their valuable input helped make the product better and it is very satisfying to see the difference TIMS Connect is making with their workflow, student training, and live clinical collaboration.”

    About TIMS Medical

    TIMS Medical is a division of Foresight Imaging LLC focused on finished medical devices for the recording, editing, archiving, and real-time collaboration on medical imaging studies. Applications include FEES and modified barium swallow studies for swallowing disorder evaluations, endoscopy, interventional radiology, ultrasound, surgery, DICOM & PACS/VNA connectivity, and much more. Over 5,000 systems are installed in hospitals, imaging centers, and medical schools worldwide. For further information, visit www.tims.com or email info@tims.com

    Press Contacts

    Brooke Beilman, Marketing Communications Manager

    1 Executive Dr., Suite 202, Chelmsford, MA 01824

    T: 978-458-4624 x287, Email: bbeilman@tims.com

  • (Chelmsford, MA – April 05, 2022) – TIMS Medical announces the release of TIMS MVP 4.5, the company’s latest iteration of its flagship product for recording, editing, reviewing, and archiving medical imaging studies in high resolution video with synced audio. Previewed in late 2021 at the ASHA and RSNA conferences, TIMS MVP 4.5 is now available to customers performing Modified Barium Swallow (MBS), Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES), and general endoscopy studies.

    TIMS MVP 4.5 adds new capabilities for standardized (MBSImP, DIGEST, PAS, FOIS) and custom scoring, measurement, live streaming video for collaboration, and other workflow improvements to the list of sophisticated tools that thousands of Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs), radiologists, and other medical professionals rely on daily for recording, reviewing, editing, and diagnosing imaging studies of patients with speech and swallowing disorders.

    TIMS MVP 4.5 Support for the MBSImP Standardized Protocol:

    TIMS MVP 4.5 now includes a frequently requested built-in scoring overlay to integrate the use of the Modified Barium Swallow Impairment Profile (MBSImP), a standardized and validated protocol to interpret and communicate swallowing impairment in a manner that is specific, consistent, accurate, and objective. With TIMS MVP 4.5, the entire MBSImP protocol is available on-demand as an overlay within the TIMS MVP software interface, allowing the SLP to quickly and accurately “score” the study while reviewing the study in high resolution video with synced audio. Completed scorecards can be instantly exported as elegantly formatted tables for inclusion in reports and EMR systems. Additionally, anonymized MBSImP scorecards can be easily uploaded to the MBSImP database and converted to a standard express assessment report for inclusion in the EMR. Scorecards uploaded to the MBSImP database also contribute data to support the field through ongoing research in swallowing function, analysis, treatment, and outcomes.

    “I first met the TIMS team at the Charleston Swallowing Conference in 2013. Since then, TIMS has been consistently interested in promoting the use of evidence-based standards to advance the implementation and analysis of swallowing studies toward improved patient care. Their work with our team, along with Bracco and Northern Speech Services, has advanced the accuracy and reproducibility of exams through use of standards such as high resolution video at 30 frames per second, synced audio, consistent and measurable contrast media, and objective scoring protocols made easily accessible to trained speech-language pathologists and their patients. I look forward to seeing even more adherence to validated standard practices in swallowing assessment as a result of these collaborative advances by TIMS Medical,” said Bonnie Martin-Harris, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Professor and Associate Dean, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Director and Principal Researcher, Swallowing Cross-Systems Collaborative, Northwestern University (Evanston, IL).

    “As facilitator of the MBSImP Training course, which provides the online learning platform by which SLPs demonstrate their reliability and competency in application of the MBSImP protocol, we are excited to work with TIMS Medical to help advance the use of this important standardized protocol for interpreting swallow studies. This integration and its efficiency enables more MBSImP-trained SLPs to implement this standardized assessment into their busy practices, and helps promote the need for adhering to consistency in patient care and diagnosis,” said Thomas Slominski, MA, CCC-SLP – President, Northern Speech Services (Gaylord, MI).

    “It was a pleasure to work closely with Dr. Bonnie Martin-Harris and her impressive team to integrate the MBSImP protocol into our TIMS MVP software. Previously, SLPs had to inefficiently switch between two separate software programs to review and interpret MBS studies using standardized scoring protocols. For several years, customers have been asking us to make this easier and more efficient. As a result of our collaboration with Dr. Martin-Harris, we have delivered this huge productivity gain for our customers. Further, with our anonymized link to the MBSImP database, SLPs can optionally provide valuable swallowing impairment data to the extensive MBSImP database which supports important ongoing research to help improve outcomes for patients with swallowing disorders. We are delighted to play a small part in helping advance patient care via this collaboration with Dr. Martin-Harris and her team,” said Tony Molinari, VP Sales & Marketing for TIMS Medical.

    About TIMS Medical

    TIMS Medical is a division of Foresight Imaging LLC focused on finished medical devices for the recording, editing, archiving, and real-time collaboration on medical imaging studies. Applications include FEES and modified barium swallow studies for swallowing disorder evaluations, endoscopy, interventional radiology, ultrasound, surgery, DICOM & PACS/VNA connectivity, and much more. Over 5,000 systems are installed in hospitals, imaging centers, and medical schools worldwide. For further information, visit www.tims.com or email info@tims.com

    Press Contacts

    Brooke Beilman, Marketing Communications Manager

    1 Executive Dr., Suite 202, Chelmsford, MA 01824

    T: 978-458-4624 x287, Email: bbeilman@tims.com

  • (Chicago & Chelmsford, MA – November 28, 2021) - From Sunday, Nov. 28 through Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2021 at RSNA 2021, the 107th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, TIMS Medical is demonstrating its full line of medical imaging systems at Booth #2601 in McCormick Place South Hall.

    Foremost among solutions being shown is TIMS MVP 4.5, the company’s latest iteration of its flagship product for recording, reviewing, and archiving medical imaging studies in high resolution video with synced audio. TIMS MVP 4.5 now adds Scoring, Measurement and Live Streaming to the list of sophisticated tools that thousands of clinicians rely on daily for reviewing, editing, and diagnosing imaging studies!

    TIMS Medical systems are widely used for imaging and diagnostics of dysphagia related studies such as Modified Barium Swallow (MBS) and Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES). Further, TIMS Medical systems are frequently used for the recording and PACS/VNA connectivity of general endoscopy, interventional radiology, ultrasound, and surgery.

    TIMS MVP version 4.5 has been significantly enhanced to provide clinicians with powerful new capabilities including: Scoring, Measurement, and real-time telecollaboration.


    TIMS MVP 4.5 now includes a much requested built-in “scorecard” overlay to facilitate and streamline the use of standardized scoring protocols. TIMS MVP ships with scorecards for widely used protocols such as Modified Barium Swallow Impairment Profile (MBSImP™), Dynamic Imaging Grade of Swallowing Toxicity (DIGEST™), Penetration-Aspiration Scale (PAS), and the Functional Oral Intake Scale (FOIS). Custom scorecards can also be created to meet any clinical need. Completed scorecards can be instantly exported as elegantly formatted tables for inclusion in reports and EMR systems.


    With TIMS MVP 4.5’s newly refined measurement tools, clinicians can now quickly calculate valuable metrics such as area, distance and velocity. Practical examples include estimating percent residue, hyoid excursion and superior / anterior displacement, bolus velocity and the timing of swallowing events. Measurements and accompanying telestrations can be labeled and a single-frame snapshot created to include with the study as it is archived to PACS or VNA.

    TIMS Connect

    TIMS Connect is a software add-on for any TIMS MVP system that allows clinicians performing any medical imaging study to live-stream the medical video to a remote colleague using the included TIMS Review software. The built-in two-way webcam video and audio complete the “in-room” experience for the remote user. TIMS Connect lets hospitals and hospital groups leverage expertise found within their system providing instant collaboration for difficult or unusual cases. Training and education can be accomplished without further crowding an already crowded procedure room. TIMS Connect is being used for interventional radiology, fluoroscopy, endoscopy, and more.

    About TIMS Medical

    TIMS Medical is a division of Foresight Imaging LLC focused on finished medical devices for the recording, editing, archiving, and real-time collaboration on medical imaging studies. Applications include FEES and modified barium swallow studies for swallowing disorder evaluations, endoscopy, interventional radiology, ultrasound, surgery, DICOM & PACS/VNA connectivity, and much more. Over 5,000 systems are installed in hospitals, imaging centers, and medical schools worldwide. For further information, visit www.tims.com or email info@tims.com

    Press Contacts

    Brooke Beilman, Marketing Communications Manager

    1 Executive Dr., Suite 202, Chelmsford, MA 01824

    T: 978-458-4624 x287, Email: bbeilman@tims.com

  • (Rockville, MD – May 11, 2021) The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) today announced that TIMS Medical, a provider of high-resolution medical imaging technology, has become an ASHA Corporate Partner.

    TIMS Medical devices are used by hospitals nationwide. By partnering with ASHA, their solutions for MBSS, FEES, and endoscopy recording will further aid ASHA members in the diagnosis and treatment of dysphagia and other swallowing disorders.

    “We at ASHA are excited to introduce more top-of-the-line, high-quality tools to our members,” said ASHA President A. Lynn Williams, PhD, CCC-SLP. “This partnership will help speech-language pathologists (SLPs) ensure that they continue to offer the very best in care for their patients.”

    “TIMS Medical has been a passionate supporter of ASHA since 2008,” said Mark Mariotti, President and CEO at TIMS Medical. “From our active involvement in ASHA Special Interest Groups, to sponsoring online conferences and continuing education events and programs and exhibiting at the ASHA Convention, we share a common commitment with ASHA to actively engage and serve practicing and future SLPs. TIMS Medical is very excited to become an ASHA Corporate Partner, and we look forward to expanding and strengthening our collaboration to further benefit ASHA members for years to come," said Mariotti.

    ASHA members interested in learning more about the platform, products, and services of TIMS Medical are invited to visit www.tims.com.

    About the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)

    ASHA is the national professional, scientific, and credentialing association for 218,000 members and affiliates who are audiologists; speech-language pathologists; speech, language, and hearing scientists; audiology and speech-language pathology support personnel; and students. Audiologists specialize in preventing and assessing hearing and balance disorders as well as providing audiologic treatment, including hearing aids. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) identify, assess, and treat speech, language, and swallowing disorders. ASHA

    About TIMS Medical and Foresight Imaging

    TIMS Medical is a division of Foresight Imaging, focused on finished medical devices for the recording, editing, archiving, and real-time collaboration on medical imaging studies. Applications include MBSS, FEES, endoscopy, interventional radiology, ultrasound, surgery, DICOM and PACS/VNA connectivity, and much more. More than 5,000 systems are installed in hospitals, imaging centers, and medical schools worldwide. For further information, visit www.tims.com or email info@tims.com.

    View all ASHA press releases at www.asha.org/about/news.

    CONTACT:Jeremi Jones301-296-8729JJones@asha.org

  • (Chelmsford, MA – November 18, 2020) The TIMS Medical® division of Foresight Imaging® (www.tims.com) announces the release of TIMS MVP® 4.0, the 4th generation product for high resolution recording, review, analysis, editing, labeling, graphic annotation, and archiving of medical imaging studies with synchronized audio.

    The previous product, TIMS DICOM System 3, was focused on the Modified Barium Swallow (MBS) study for speech pathology and archiving to PACS, and is the most widely deployed product of its kind in the market. With the introduction of TIMS MVP 4.0, the company is adding advanced productivity features for MBS studies, and also adding extensive performance and functionality to target FEES studies (Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing), endoscopy recording, surgical recording, and other non-DICOM centric procedures. These advancements include:

    A new, high-performance software platform

    Auto-save: all recordings & changes are saved automatically on-the-fly

    Non-destructive editing

    Semi-automated labeling during recording (“Protocol Mode”)

    High resolution, color 1080p video recording & playback at 30 fps (FEES, endoscopy, surgery)

    Virtually unlimited video capture length

    Motion JPEG & MP4 video recording

    Graphic annotation

    Archiving to PACS & VNA (DICOM & native formats)

    High performance editing interface

    MP4 export for presentations & sharing

    “Two years ago, we focused our engineering team to completely re-design and rebuild our TIMS software from the ground up. Our goal was to substantially improve the productivity of our current MBS customers and add new, high-performance capabilities to enable us to satisfy the recording, workflow, and connectivity requirements for the FEES and endoscopy markets,” said Tony Molinari, VP Sales & Marketing. “The result is our new, TIMS MVP 4.0 product. We have been in beta now for over 6 months at multiple customer sites, and the positive feedback has been tremendous. With just our new ‘Protocol Mode’ feature, which streamlines labeling during recording, customers are reporting a savings of over 5 minutes per study compared to TIMS DICOM System 3.”

    About TIMS Medical

    TIMS Medical is a division of Foresight Imaging LLC focused on finished medical devices for the recording, editing, archiving, and real-time collaboration on medical imaging studies. Applications include FEES and modified barium swallow studies for swallowing disorder evaluations, endoscopy, interventional radiology, ultrasound, surgery, DICOM & PACS/VNA connectivity, and much more. Over 5,000 systems are installed in hospitals, imaging centers, and medical schools worldwide. For further information, visit www.tims.com or email info@tims.com

    Press Contacts

    Brooke Beilman, Marketing Communications Manager

    1 Executive Dr., Suite 202, Chelmsford, MA 01824T: 978-458-4624 x287, Email: bbeilman@tims.com